Let's Get Saucey
Last weekend Chris and I decided to cook a pork loin on our char grill. We seasoned the loin with olive oil, salt, and pepper and let it sit covered in the fridge for about 3 hours. Unfortunately, we had as storm roll in, but that wasn't going to stop us! Our little char grill is easy to move so we moved it out of the rain and continued to cook and flip the loin. Towards the end, about 20 minutes, we basted the loin with some Stub's BBQ sauce on one side and put the lid on the grill to also help give it a bit of a smokey flavor, after about 5 minutes we flipped the loin BBQ side down and basted the other side, let it "smoke" for about 5 minutes, flipped, basted, 5 minutes, flipped, basted ,5 minutes and pulled it off the grill. Then we let it rest on the cutting board while we finished up the asparagus and broccoli pasta side.
BBQ sauce is a tricky one. It's easy to burn, but it tastes great. This is why we didn't marinade in the BBQ, and only put it on at the end. Some people use it as a marinade, and that's fine, but just be aware, it may cause the outside of your meat to char faster then anticipated. I've already burned a loin in the crock-pot, because I left it on too high with BBQ sauce.